Notification of Troop Disband to Families
(copy and paste into your email format)
Hello Families of Troop xxx:
Troop xxx, your girl's troop, plans to disband (or has already done so). We hope that your Girl Scout enjoyed her time with us.
Next Steps:
Join Another Troop – If your girl knows which troop, you can renew her directly to that troop. Otherwise, you can email for assistance in finding another troop.
Become An Individually Registered Member (IRM) - This would allow her to stay involved with camp, product sales, travel opportunities, council events, and more ... at her own pace.
Please email for assistance on your Next Step decision.
If your girl is no longer interested in participating in Girl Scouts, we understand and want to extend a thank you to you and your family for supporting her Girl Scout endeavors over the years. She is always welcome to return in the future; all you need to do is contact our council.
Thank you for your time!
(Leader Name)
Troop Leader